A Community of Creators Interested in Growth

The word is officially out:

I'm building a community of creators interested in growth.

Get on the list.


In this blog, I'll cover 

  • the backstory
  • the results I've created 
  • the community announcement
  • the expectations coming forward


The Backstory: It took me a minute to get here.

These past few months have been something. 

(I can't believe it's already been 3 months since I passed on re-certifying as an AC facilitator )

Every day, I'm shocked at how little time I have in a day.

I start the day thinking I have all of it, by the middle I feel like I have none left, and by the end, I wonder how I'm going to get anything done that I want to do over the next few months. 

I sat down today to wrangle my time.

(Which I'm learning isn't a thing you can do until you're deep underwater and you have more info about what needs to be wrangled.)

Even though I've been feeling overwhelmed, apparently I'm right on time. 

I've been 

  • searching
  • learning 
  • creating 


Most of what I've been searching for is language. Not direction, but language that articulates and is congruent with what I've been and known all along.

Of course, having said that I'll find language that feels 100% true, and then the next day it changes.

And so maybe there are just multiple ways of saying the same thing. It just depends on where you're saying it and who needs to hear what for the 'how' you say it.

I would say I'm 75% of the way there.


I have been reading, watching, listening to, taking notes on, and inundating myself with new material. I'm a desert in the middle of a 3-month monsoon rain.

LinkedIn is a literal gold mine. And building over there has exposed me to some of the most brilliant business minds on the planet. I'm seriously learning from some of the best. 

Most of what I've been learning is 

  • content writing to build new interest and audience (you can find me on LinkedIn
  • content writing to convert interest into leads into sales 
  • creating an offer suite that I can persistently drive traffic to that over time can scale with ease 
  • how to possibly build two businesses at the same time: one for emerging and growing creators, and one for the more established creators
  • business models and the one that works best for the way I want to live

I've been learning so much that most days I have to open a learning window and then shut it down to create. 

Could anyone else spend ALL day in some kind of class!?


Most of what I've been creating on the outside is written content. 

I've been learning the art of the LinkedIn post, but in learning that, I'm teaching myself copywriting in general. Hook writing in particular, and then forming your posts to be easy to read, and at the end of the day, convertible into potential leads.

But there have been a ton of internal things created, too. 

  • the direction I want to go with the business
  • the offers I want to make to you
  • the offers I want to make to the future people 
  • what I want my life to be like 
  • what my life can be like while I'm pivoting and rebuilding 
  • what I want to create with my body 
  • my relationship

I mean, honestly, I could keep going. 

Creation never ends. 

The Results: Everyone I work with gets greater (or richer).

And this is the thing I've let sink in this week. 

I deliver transformation. 

(By the way, THAT is what we're selling.) 

I looked back and could see at least 4 very poignant, specific examples of people I'd worked with over the years who had gone on to have great lives and businesses. 

  1. Kalpana Raghuraman: worked with me for almost six months when I first became a facilitator and freaked out about her team and business. She is now an advanced facilitator with Access Consciousness. 
  2. Nikolett Erdelyi: bought my 5-day Relentless Profit Challenge when she was first starting and says publicly that it was one of the keys to her being where she is today. She now creates the biggest Bars classes in the world. The last one had over 450 people. 
  3. Janine Kreft: worked with me privately for almost a year. She completely changed her business model to one that included her body and is now thriving and also building a mocktail company. 
  4. Sherri-Lee Woycik: worked with me privately (and did my Facebook ads!) for over a year. She grew from a struggling-to-make-10-figures business to a business that is pulling in $15K-$25K monthly consistently.

And honestly, these are just the "big" names.

Am I being crazy and saying I am the reason those people are where they are today? 

Eff no. 

But I am a powerful catalyst. 

And when I look at it: SO many others have come into my business programs, radically changed their life and their way of doing things, and left happier and more clear on how and where they wanted to go next.

This week, I will deep dive into 5 different specific case studies where the person got greater

But here's the summary (and the preface to the announcement): 

Over the last 9 years, I built a business that generated over $1.5M in revenue, and untold ripples of change and growth.

 I contributed to businesses that saw 2x, 3x, and 10x levels of growth.

 And if I'm honest right now in this new moment, I'm enthusiastic AF to help less experienced creators, coaches, and facilitators get around my mistakes, get out of their way and grow their stuff.

 Being in business requires creating money.

Otherwise, you don't have a business.

And if you're not creating money, you need to

  • get more skilled
  • learn more tools
  • get good at contributing and engaging
  • get good at making offers
  • get good at shipping your work

As a start.

But to have a business that creates money, you need to

  • be all of you
  • have access to all choice
  • be willing to eff it up
  • be committed and in it

Money comes from interested people converting into paying people.

That's the purpose of business:

To make money through something you offer.
To change your life and others.
And to have an F-ton of fun doing it.

It's been uncomfortable in this transition.

But it's time for a new era.

Announcing --> Forward Motion

A Community of Creators Growing Forward 

None of us want to create alone. 

Yes, we like being alone. And we like our alone time. But creating in a vacuum isn't fun. So, I've been looking at what "together" can be like for both of us.

Over the past few months, I've been contributing to Forward Energy, my audio group on WhatsApp.

(You can join for free here.)

I've been polling everyone about lots of things, but last week I polled about what would matter to them in a community.

And the key things people wanted were

  1. audio messages 
  2. a place to ask questions 
  3. a toolbox section 

So, I've been doing some research about how that could work, and we're almost there. 


There will, however, also be a way to work with me more intimately in Forward Momentum.

Some of you want more than just a community.

Some of you want to spend a year with me, building your project, and you will have that choice.

That will add on: 

  1. 2 live calls with me per month
  2. 6 30-min 1-1's you can use throughout the year
  3. a pocket coaching group

This will give you the space, contact, and energy to grow deep roots and big fruit.

The Expectations Coming Forward

I will keep emailing you quite regularly.

But this week, I am going to feature 5 different creators and their projects in my daily email.

I will show you

  • where they started
  • what we looked at
  • what we changed
  • what happened

So that you can look at

  • where you are
  • what you can look at
  • what you can change
  • the results you want

 And at the end of the week, I will open the doors to the waiting list.

 When we hit 60 charter members on the list, I'll open the doors.

And that's it! (For now.)

What are the infinite possibilities for us and everything we're creating in the world? 

And where can we all together go now? 

(Click here to skip the line and get on the waiting list now. 🌿)


Have you tried this challenge?

Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness® gave us one clearing to use 30 times a day for 30 days, and it's changing lives!! I've called it The Awareness Challenge, and ll you have to do to try it out is jump in.

Jump in here!

50% Complete


Only one more step to instant access to the life-changing 30 day Awareness Challenge!